
Students Annual contest

David Eitan, former head of the Faculty of Arts, Tel Aviv University

 Dear Aviv and Yoram,

I could not wait till the official launch next week and I went to the bookstore in the neighborhood in the hope that the book you designed and published would already be displayed for sale. I was delighted to find that it was and I sat there and I looked through it for a long time with great pleasure.
The book is designed with exceptional professionalism [I particularly liked the table of contents] and celebrates the work of the Shamir brothers and reflects the events and dreams that have become part of history and nostalgia.
I envy Yoram for having managed to immortalise the work of his father and uncle, something that I have not found a way to do for the work of my parents that is sadly mostly lost in the oblivion of infinite space

!!!All the best and well done
David Eitan, former administrative head of the Faculty of Arts, Tel Aviv University