
Students Annual contest

Fascist Ad

 I found in “Davar ", November 12, 1959, a news item accompanied by a photo of a poster of the General Zionists party (Zionim Klaliim) for the municipal elections -"Protect Your City from the Oppressing Socialism".. The article refers to the text, illustration and colours of the poster as being fascist. The illustration and fonts were typical Shamir. Particularly recognizable was the male figure that appeared in other ads by Shamir. The reproduction of the poster in the paper was so small it was postimpossible to find the designer's signature on the poster.

I contacted the Jabotinsky Archive - no access to the posters. I turned to the Liberal Midrasha – nothing. I searched for the archives of the General Zionists party. I was told the archives had been held in a rented apartment for twenty years. Someone decided it was a waste of money and transferred the archives partly to Metsudat Zeev, the Likkud headquarters, and partly to Hiriyah, the local rubbish dump.

I approached the Central Zionist Archives – the poster was found. Now it could be magnified - there is no signature. I forwarded the scan to Shenkar. I agreed with Reuven Cohen that we should specify it only as “attributed” to Shamir brothers.

Later, I found in “Haaretz", October 1950 an ad with the same illustration. I searched in “Haboker", the newspaper of the General Zionists, for a response to the attack in “Davar” but could not find any response.

Yoram Shamir