
Students Annual contest

Ma'ariv - Logo

 Since my childhood, I have known that Ma'ariv's logo was designed by Shamir Brothers. Early 2011 Ma'ariv opened a web-site with historic editions of the newspaper. This was my first opportunity to explore the early editions of the paper. I realized immediately that the section heads were clearly in the Shamir style but only one of them was signed by Shamir.

I spoke with Ma'ariv's first legal advisor, Yitzhak Berman (later – Speaker of the Knesset) and he remembered the court case when Yediot Ahronot accused Ma'ariv of stealing the name. He did not remember anything about section logos/headings. Even Dissantzek, who was later editor of Ma'ariv, knew nothing. Ma'ariv's archive does not hold correspondence with artists who worked for the paper.

I passed the material to Shenkar and agreed that they classify it as: “Attributed to Shamir brothers”.

In early October I was contacted by Yarom Vardimon and asked me for a copy of the obituary he wrote about my father Gabriel Shamir 20 years ago. I couldn't find it. I looked in another file in the same drawer - and found not only Vardimon's obituary but also the one by Maariv editor Shalom Rosenfeld who wrote, in part: "I ​​knew him well in the days when he frequented the Ma'ariv offices where he contributed so much to its external appearance."

Yoram Shamir 2012